Why is there no Z spam?
I get a lot of spam. In 2005, I got just under half a million pieces of it myself at my work email account. So I would like to think I am familiar with it. Each morning I download my 500 or so pieces of the stuff that have built up since the time I left work the night before. Each morning, it all gets routed to the junk mail folder like it always does.
I usually take a quick scan through the folder to see if anything shouldn’t be there. I usually sort by subject; that seems to help me weed out things that shouldnt’ be there faster. But this morning something occurred to me. In-between the spams that start with the letter “Y”, and the spams that start with gibberish in the subject, there’s no love for the letter “Z”.
It appears that I rarely get any spam that starts with the letter “Z”. Why is that? Doesn’t anyone love “Z”? Come on, “Z” needs some love!

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That’s right. Show Z some love. C’mon, you know you want to.