, 800, and talking to a real person
As most who have looked for this info know, the 1-800 phone number for has been around for years and years. It’s existence is not listed in the Amazon help area, but if you googled for Amazon 800 number, you could find it.
That number is 1-800-201-7575
I’ve called that for years, I almost NEVER go through email, because if I have a problem, I want some sort of immediate resolution, I don’t want to wait for an email to maybe get responded to in a timely fashion, bounce back with a response, etc, etc.. So I called the 800 number.
Well, I had to do that this morning, got a nice guy on the line, and we spoke about Amazon, ordering, help and all that. Anyway, he told me the phone number above is being phased out, and a better number to call is this one:
He did also tell me that they’ve added phone as an option in the help area recently. I can verify that this works, as I used it this morning to get a hold of this guy.
If you go to any help page, you will see the following button, you can click on it to get to the contact us area.
When you click that, you’ll get an area where you can make a choice as to how to contact Amazon.
Click the tab that says “phone”, and you’ll get a page that looks like this. (You’ll need to click the large image to see what it looks like).
You get to put in a phone number, and it immediately connects both you and an customer service agent. This has the benefit of getting you past all the recordings like “Please press 7, please press 2”. It’s a “direct line”. It actually works pretty well.
But if you want to make a call yourself, they recommend using the 866 number. I had a problem with an order I placed Friday, so I had to call them and deal with it. Found all this new stuff out this morning, which was cool to know.