The Armageddon Factor
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The Armageddon Factor
This Story: Season 16, Story 6. Production Code 5F
Overall: Story 103, Episodes 500-505
Airdates: 20 Jan 1979 – 24 Feb 1979
Written by Bob Baker & Dave Martin
Directed by Michael Hayes
[ Wikipedia | Tardis Data Core | SPS Historium | Amazon US DVD | Amazon UK DVD ]#DoctorWhoMarathon Ep 500 - The Armageddon Factor 1/6 (Serial 5F Story 103) - 20 Jan 1979. #DoctorWho 1/2
— jᎾᎬ sᎥᎬᎶᏞᎬᏒ (@JoeSiegler) December 7, 2022
500! Still rolling strong! This is another one I have little memory of beyond the final scenes once the entire key is assembled. It also has both Romana actresses in it, as
#DoctorWhoMarathon Ep 500 - The Armageddon Factor 1/6 (Serial 5F Story 103) - 20 Jan 1979. #DoctorWho 2/2
— jᎾᎬ sᎥᎬᎶᏞᎬᏒ (@JoeSiegler) December 7, 2022
Romana II is here as another character. This ep is setup for the war between planets Atrios & Zeos and the conflict between warmongers and those who seek peace.
#DoctorWhoMarathon Ep 501 - The Armageddon Factor 2/6 (Serial 5F Story 103) - 27 Jan 1979. #DoctorWho 1/2
— jᎾᎬ sᎥᎬᎶᏞᎬᏒ (@JoeSiegler) December 9, 2022
The Marshall is the big warmonger, and the Doctor connects with people who are after peace. They're looking for Princess Astra. Marshall has a weird thing going on where he
#DoctorWhoMarathon Ep 501 - The Armageddon Factor 2/6 (Serial 5F Story 103) - 27 Jan 1979. #DoctorWho 2/2
— jᎾᎬ sᎥᎬᎶᏞᎬᏒ (@JoeSiegler) December 9, 2022
talks to himself in a mirror. Not sure why yet, but he seems nuts. K9 gets more screen time than usual here. Their big battle saves $ by showing it just as dots on a screen.
#DoctorWhoMarathon Ep 502 - The Armageddon Factor 3/6 (Serial 5F Story 103) - 3 Feb 1979. #DoctorWho 1/2
— jᎾᎬ sᎥᎬᎶᏞᎬᏒ (@JoeSiegler) December 10, 2022
We now see that Marshall is being controlled by something behind the mirror, still don't know why. The Doctor & Astra are taken away where they find there are no people, but
#DoctorWhoMarathon Ep 502 - The Armageddon Factor 3/6 (Serial 5F Story 103) - 3 Feb 1979. #DoctorWho 2/2
— jᎾᎬ sᎥᎬᎶᏞᎬᏒ (@JoeSiegler) December 10, 2022
a computer. Turns out there's a third party interfering in the war between the planets. The sequence on Zeos with the computer was interesting, had a Star Trek feel to it.
#DoctorWhoMarathon Ep 503 - The Armageddon Factor 4/6 (Serial 5F Story 103) - 10 Feb 1979. #DoctorWho 1/3
— jᎾᎬ sᎥᎬᎶᏞᎬᏒ (@JoeSiegler) December 10, 2022
The Doctor works to disable the Xeon computer in hopes of stopping the battle. The rest of the characters work to stop Marshall from nuking everything and killing everyone.
#DoctorWhoMarathon Ep 503 - The Armageddon Factor 4/6 (Serial 5F Story 103) - 10 Feb 1979. #DoctorWho 2/3
— jᎾᎬ sᎥᎬᎶᏞᎬᏒ (@JoeSiegler) December 10, 2022
The Doctor fakes a 6th segment of the Key to get some partial power to help stall Marshall. K9 gets transported to the 3rd planet. Confused at ending as to what's happening.
#DoctorWhoMarathon Ep 503 - The Armageddon Factor 4/6 (Serial 5F Story 103) - 10 Feb 1979. #DoctorWho 3/3
— jᎾᎬ sᎥᎬᎶᏞᎬᏒ (@JoeSiegler) December 10, 2022
There is a famous Doctor Who blooper that comes from this episode, presumably during rehearsals. I've included it below as a goof. 4 swearing at K9 is amusing. ;)
#DoctorWhoMarathon Ep 504 - The Armageddon Factor 5/6 (Serial 5F Story 103) - 17 Feb 1979. #DoctorWho 1/2
— jᎾᎬ sᎥᎬᎶᏞᎬᏒ (@JoeSiegler) December 10, 2022
Astria & K9 are controlled by the Shadow who is after the Key and wants to destroy the Doctor (what a shock). I've read reviews of this story saying that it was cheap made
#DoctorWhoMarathon Ep 504 - The Armageddon Factor 5/6 (Serial 5F Story 103) - 17 Feb 1979. #DoctorWho 2/2
— jᎾᎬ sᎥᎬᎶᏞᎬᏒ (@JoeSiegler) December 10, 2022
due to end of season budget. I can see that, but I still enjoy it. We meet another Time Lord who recognizes the Doctor and calls him Theta Sigma - a possible real name?
#DoctorWhoMarathon Ep 505 - The Armageddon Factor 6/6 (Serial 5F Story 103) - 24 Feb 1979. #DoctorWho 1/2
— jᎾᎬ sᎥᎬᎶᏞᎬᏒ (@JoeSiegler) December 10, 2022
This is Mary Tamm's last ep. The Doctor eventually assembles the entire Key to Time, and has a great scene where he pretends (amusingly) to be this all powerful being.
#DoctorWhoMarathon Ep 505 - The Armageddon Factor 6/6 (Serial 5F Story 103) - 24 Feb 1979. #DoctorWho 2/2
— jᎾᎬ sᎥᎬᎶᏞᎬᏒ (@JoeSiegler) December 10, 2022
What bugs me about the end is that after he assembles the key, he disperses it again when the Black Guardian threatens him. What happened to the reason it was needed in ep1?