Cost of Living
Cost of Living
This Story: Season 5 Episode 20 (production code 220)
TNG Overall: Episode 120
Trek Overall: Story 217, Episode 222
Airdate: 20 Apr 1992
Written by Peter Allan Fields
Directed by Winrich Kolbe
- The last episode for Lwxana’s assistant Mr. Homn.
- Lwaxana has one more appearance in the show in the final season (“Dark Page“).
[ Wikipedia | Memory Alpha | IMDB | Amazon US DVD | Amazon US Blu-Ray ]#StarTrekMarathon #StarTrek TNG Ep 120 - Cost of Living - 20 Apr 1992 1/2 This ep has two things that I feel are almost always grating when they appear. Troi's mom & Worf's son. In terms of the irritation scale, this is in the middle. There's been far worse, and there's much better. This is one of
— Joe Siegler ( January 13, 2025 at 2:31 PM
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#StarTrekMarathon #StarTrek TNG Ep 120 - Cost of Living - 20 Apr 1992 2/2 those ones I'm having to force myself to watch. There's a scene in the middle when Lwaxana shows her true heart & wasn't annoying there. The b plot about a gelatinous goo was uninteresting. Overall, a bit of a slog of an ep.
— Joe Siegler ( January 13, 2025 at 2:31 PM
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