Bush is stupid
Not Dubya (not that he’s an MIT grad anyway), but I’m talking about his twit brother Jeb Bush. Not only did his state cause a complete fiasco in the last presidential election, but now he goes and DOES SOMETHING AS STUPID AS THIS.
What’s the message here? Act like a total jackass and you’ll get something for free? Real great message you’re sending to your kids, you idiots. Some people need to be NOT allowed to reproduce. These people qualify. Big time.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. Something George Carlin said awhile back rings true here. “Take your average stupid person and then realize that half of them are stupider than that!”
God, these people are stupid.
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I’ve not met one bad Bush. If it wern’t for Jeb there would be no Florida. It would be called The Cuban State of Florida.
Sieg Heil!!!