Miscellaneous Archives
US is Changing Daylight Savings Time
Just read this morning where the United States is planning on changing Daylight Savings Time. It’s apparently part of an energy plan to conserve oil. The article claims that it will save 100,000 barrels of oil per day. What’s supposed to happen is that the “Spring Forward” in April will change to the first Sunday […]
It’s TC, everybody!
It’s your pal, it’s your compadre, it’s TC everybody! Check out The Daily* Dementia.
How close are you to work?
Saw something on another blog I read, and it’s a query as to how far away you are from work. Using the really badass new mapping system from Google, I live 7.6 miles from where I work (although if I reverse the directions, it gives me a completely different route that’s 8.7 miles). In November […]
Comments Revised
On Christmas, I wrote this.. Unfortunately, due to the excessive amount of comment spam I’ve been getting (I got about 300 in a two hour period over Christmas day), I’ve had to temporarily turn off comments. I really didn’t want to do that, but I’m really sick and tired of deleting all the garbage spam. […]
This picture brought to you by the letter H and the number 2. What is fuh2? Well, you can check out their website, or you can read below: The H2 is the ultimate poseur vehicle. It has the chassis of a Chevy Tahoe and a body that looks like the original Hummer; i.e. it’s a […]
From the Mind of the Master
At work I have one of those flip calendars where each day is a new saying. Well, the one I have at work is “The Best of George Carlin”. Today’s calendar entry was pretty funny, I thought I’d share it. “There is something refreshingly ironic about people lying on the beach contracting skin cancer, in […]
My cel phone bill shocker
Yesterday I got my cel phone bill. My carrier is Cingular. I got my cel phone back when Southwestern Bell had cel carriage here in the DFW area, and then they got bought out by Cingular, so I’ve been there since. Anyway, the bill came in a new smaller envelope. When I opened it, it […]
The future
As I sit here at my desk, I realize I’ve forgotten to turn on my speakers, and forgot to run this program. I wish I could have an office and house like Marty McFly had in Back to the Future II. When you walk in the door, everything happens automatically. This turns on, that starts […]
What is this?
A couple of weeks ago I saw some odd looking things attached to a few streetlights around town. Attached here is a picture of one of them – taken about two blocks or so from my house. It’s not just this particular neighbhorhood, I’ve seen them in a few places in and around Garland. Anyone […]
New Nickels
My wife and I have been a big fan of the State Quarter program that the US government put into place in 1999 (we finally get my state’s quarter this year – TEXAS!). Anyway, there was that dollar coin introduced in 2000, which again failed to make much of a splash – I don’t think […]