Miscellaneous Archives
Metric Confusion
I was sitting here tonight, and this thought just popped into my head. For a country that deals in figures like gallons and miles, why is it that our soda cans are in ounces, but our big plastic soda bottles are in litres? Excuse me, but I don’t think our country ever adopted the metric […]
New Stuff on the blog
I’ve made a few changes on the blog this evening. First off I noticed that the Weatherpixie site is back up – I thought it was gone, so I removed it. Turns out it’s still there, so I restored the weatherpixie code. I also changed my “pixie” as I found one that has a cat […]
The Bus to Nowhere
I was riding the shuttle bus to the American Airlines Center to attend a Dallas Stars game. As I was riding the bus, I glanced over at the part of hte bus wher they have free bus schedules for you. Then I noticed something strange about these particular schedules. It didn’t appear that this particular […]
D’oh Nut
The people the fell for this are just stupid. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/3373739.stm
Don’t go up there – its’ dark!
Saw a remark over on a friend’s blog about it being dark out when he leaves work. That’s one of my favorite times of the year! I’ve always loved it when it gets dark around 5:30PM or so (we’re not there yet, but we will be soon). For me, a person who is usually up […]
The new $20 bill
Tomorrow is the date that the Fed will start issuing the newest print of the $20 bill. I’ve always been one that’s into money – for some reason I’ve always gotten excited when a new series of bill came out, even though the date and perhaps the Secretary signatures were the only things changed. So […]