Spam, POPFile, & SpamKiller

  • byJoe Siegler
  • Posted on

I’ve decided to stop with the spam count on the left side of the page I was keeping for a couple of reasons. It was taking too much time to put it all together – I was spending far more time on that then it deserved. I don’t use the same Spam software anymore. The […]

Looking for some beer

  • byJoe Siegler
  • Posted on

Kind of an odd question. I know some folks from the Dallas area read this blog. I was looking for a place that sells a particular brand of beer. That brand is Iron City Light Beer. It’s a local beer brewed in Pittsburgh. My wife is from there, and when we first got married, we […]

A cool blog logo

  • byJoe Siegler
  • Posted on

Was reading some blogs this morning, and ran across this one. I really liked the “Hello” graphic in the upper left hand corner. :)