Invasion of the Dinosaurs
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Invasion of the Dinosaurs
This Story: Season 11, Story 2. Production Code WWW
Overall: Story 71, Episodes 360-365
Airdates: 12 Jan 1974 to 16 Feb 1974
Written by Malcolm Hulke
Directed by Paddy Russell
- Episode 1 went out with a title of simply “Invasion” and 2-6 was “Invasion of the Dinosaurs”. Presumably this was done to avoid spoiling the reveal of the Dinosaurs at the end of Episode 1.
[ Wikipedia | Tardis Data Core | SPS Historium | Amazon US DVD | Amazon UK DVD ]#DoctorWhoMarathon Ep 360 - Invasion of the Dinosaurs 1/6 (Serial WWW Story 71) - 12 Jan 1974. #DoctorWho 1/2
— jᎾᎬ sᎥᎬᎶᏞᎬᏒ (@JoeSiegler) August 11, 2022
This story is maddening. The story is good, but the SFX are some of the worst in the series' history. The dinosaurs look like not much more than kids toys green screened
#DoctorWhoMarathon Ep 360 - Invasion of the Dinosaurs 1/6 (Serial WWW Story 71) - 12 Jan 1974. #DoctorWho 2/2
— jᎾᎬ sᎥᎬᎶᏞᎬᏒ (@JoeSiegler) August 11, 2022
into the story. Ep1 (titled just "Invasion") only existed in bw for years and years due to it being lost in the late 70's. The "Abandoned London" concept here was good.
#DoctorWhoMarathon Ep 361 - Invasion of the Dinosaurs 2/6 (Serial WWW Story 71) - 19 Jan 1974. #DoctorWho 1/2
— jᎾᎬ sᎥᎬᎶᏞᎬᏒ (@JoeSiegler) August 12, 2022
Before I started this story, I wondered if I'd slag off the look of the dinos in all 6 eps. Probably need something else to say. This story was originally called
#DoctorWhoMarathon Ep 361 - Invasion of the Dinosaurs 2/6 (Serial WWW Story 71) - 19 Jan 1974. #DoctorWho 2/2
— jᎾᎬ sᎥᎬᎶᏞᎬᏒ (@JoeSiegler) August 12, 2022
"Timescoop". I wonder if that would have been a better idea. Despite my slagging it so much, I really do enjoy the story. Yates appears to betray UNIT & his friends.
#DoctorWhoMarathon Ep 362 - Invasion of the Dinosaurs 3/6 (Serial WWW Story 71) - 26 Jan 1974. #DoctorWho 1/2
— jᎾᎬ sᎥᎬᎶᏞᎬᏒ (@JoeSiegler) August 12, 2022
Yates' betrayal continues, although he seems to be struggling with it. The Doctor works to try and find a solution to the Dinosaurs. We also have a suspicious looking
#DoctorWhoMarathon Ep 362 - Invasion of the Dinosaurs 3/6 (Serial WWW Story 71) - 26 Jan 1974. #DoctorWho 2/2
— jᎾᎬ sᎥᎬᎶᏞᎬᏒ (@JoeSiegler) August 12, 2022
military guy, but I can't tell if he'll be evil or not. SJS works her reporter angle to this story. This is ep 3/6, & definitely feels like the middle part of the story.
#DoctorWhoMarathon Ep 363 - Invasion of the Dinosaurs 4/6 (Serial WWW Story 71) - 2 Feb 1974. #DoctorWho 1/2
— jᎾᎬ sᎥᎬᎶᏞᎬᏒ (@JoeSiegler) August 13, 2022
The Doctor's "Whomobile" makes its first appearance here. The change in story dynamic with SJS going to another planet takes some getting used to. A lot of this episode
#DoctorWhoMarathon Ep 363 - Invasion of the Dinosaurs 4/6 (Serial WWW Story 71) - 2 Feb 1974. #DoctorWho 2/2
— jᎾᎬ sᎥᎬᎶᏞᎬᏒ (@JoeSiegler) August 13, 2022
is the Doctor exploring. He's attacked by a raptor, but escapes. We find out that nearly everyone who was helping the Doctor is in cahoots against him and for "the plot".
#DoctorWhoMarathon Ep 364 - Invasion of the Dinosaurs 5/6 (Serial WWW Story 71) - 9 Feb 1974. #DoctorWho 1/2
— jᎾᎬ sᎥᎬᎶᏞᎬᏒ (@JoeSiegler) August 15, 2022
Penultimate ep of a story is usually when the shit hits the fan. It starts w/ the Brig arresting the Doctor, which is different. Yates' betrayal is revealed. SJS ends up
#DoctorWhoMarathon Ep 364 - Invasion of the Dinosaurs 5/6 (Serial WWW Story 71) - 9 Feb 1974. #DoctorWho 2/2
— jᎾᎬ sᎥᎬᎶᏞᎬᏒ (@JoeSiegler) August 15, 2022
exposing the spaceship plan as fake. There also was a car chase with the Doctor in the middle of this ep. Very Pertwee. Very few dinosaurs until the end of this episode.
#DoctorWhoMarathon Ep 365 - Invasion of the Dinosaurs 6/6 (Serial WWW Story 71) - 16 Feb 1974. #DoctorWho 1/2
— jᎾᎬ sᎥᎬᎶᏞᎬᏒ (@JoeSiegler) August 15, 2022
There's a Godzilla fight scene at the start here. Has no impact cuz of bad sfx. Things start to turn in our way w/ the political stuff. In the end, the Doctor & the Brig
#DoctorWhoMarathon Ep 365 - Invasion of the Dinosaurs 6/6 (Serial WWW Story 71) - 16 Feb 1974. #DoctorWho 2/2
— jᎾᎬ sᎥᎬᎶᏞᎬᏒ (@JoeSiegler) August 15, 2022
attack the base, free the ship people, & stop the plan. Nice ending to this story unlike some. I hope when this gets released on a S11 Blu-Ray set, they update the SFX.