This Story: Season 5, Episode 4
Overall: Story 28, Episode 28
Airdate: 12 Mar 1992
Written by Rob Grant & Doug Naylor
Directed by Grant Naylor
- This episode reminds us of the fact that Holly can only sustain one hologram. However, that’s not correct, as it was established in “Confidence and Paranoia” that Holly can do two holograms. This happened in the following episode, “Me2“.
[ Wikipedia | Tongue Tied Wiki | Amazon US DVD | Amazon UK Blu-Ray ]#RedDwarfMarathon Ep 28 - Quarantine - 12 Mar 1992 1/2 This one is one I like - against type. For the most part I don't care for the episodes that play up the negative parts of Rimmer's psyche, but I love this one. Rimmer gets a holovirus and goes nuts. He quarantines the rest
— Joe Siegler (@joesiegler.blog) March 14, 2024 at 11:25 PM
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#RedDwarfMarathon Ep 28 - Quarantine - 12 Mar 1992 2/2 of the crew in intolerable situations while going far more insane. Ends up win a red checked gingham dress & a puppet named "Mr. Flibble". We're introduced to the concept of positive viruses which crop up in later episodes.
— Joe Siegler (@joesiegler.blog) March 14, 2024 at 11:25 PM
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