This Story: Season 4 Episode 26 (production code 200)
TNG Overall: Episode 100
Trek Overall: Story 199a, Episode 202
Airdate: 17 Jun 1991
Written by Ronald D. Moore
Directed by Cliff Bole
- The season four finale. Like the season before it, it was a cliffhanger, whose resolution was in Part II as the premiere episode of the following season.
- Former president Reagan visited the set during the filming of this episode.
- The first episode for “The Duras sisters” Lursa & B’Etor (Barbara March & Gwynyth Walsh). They would appear in two more episodes of TNG (Redemption Part II & Firstborn), one episode of Deep Space Nine (Past Prologue), as well as the first TNG movie, “Star Trek: Generations”.
- Tasha Yar appears as Sela for the first time in this episode. Her origins are explained in Part II of this episode.
- Troi, Crusher, & LaForge appear in this episode in a single scene, and none of them have any lines.
- Part I was directed by Cliff Bole. He did not direct Part II.
- One of the rare instances when Guinan fires a phaser.
- I loved the Klingon usage of “Kelicam” as a measure of distance – used from the TOS movies. :)
[ Wikipedia | Memory Alpha | IMDB | Amazon US DVD | Amazon US Blu-Ray ]#StarTrekMarathon #StarTrek TNG Ep 100 - Redemption Pt 1 - 17 Jun 1991 1/2 S4 closes out with the conclusion of the "Worf's family honor" story. It's the first with Lursa & B'Etor, the first with the son of Duras (Toral), & the first with Denise Crosby's "Sela" character. There's a Klingon civil
— Joe Siegler ( December 24, 2024 at 11:11 AM
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#StarTrekMarathon #StarTrek TNG Ep 100 - Redemption Pt 1 - 17 Jun 1991 2/2 war, brought on by the challenge to the High Council by the Duras family. A seriously well done ep, with a crap ton of Klingon lore. Worf gets his family honor back and ends up leaving the Enterprise to go fight in the war.
— Joe Siegler ( December 24, 2024 at 11:11 AM
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