Who Wants to be a Millionaire Drinking Game

Drinking Game v1.0 by Joe Siegler
In sitting around one night watching this show, I realized that this show was ripe for a drinking game, as there’s several things that repeat themselves. I took a look around the net, and I couldn’t find one, so I figured I’d construct one of my own. It took me about a month to put this all together. I didn’t want to just slap something together, I wanted this to be well put together. I could have very easily picked a few things that happen all the time and you’d be drunk in two seconds flat, like anytime Regis says “Final Answer”, or any time those lights from the ceiling swoop down, and the “dramatic music” is played. Nah, I wanted some stuff that’s a bit more original than that, so without further adieu, here’s the game:
I’ve broken this down into a few sections. The first section are things that Regis does, the second section is things that aren’t Regis related (which are mostly player things), and the third are what I call “big things”.
Section One: Regis things
- Regis points into camera (x2 if he uses both hands)
- Regis drinks water (x2 if contestant drinks with him)
- Says “They’re all here” during explaining lifelines
- Regis holds up one of those fake checks for the camera to see (x2 if the contestant is holding it)
- Regis holds up some “Who Wants to be a Millionaire” crap for you to buy (game, shirt, etc).
- Regis asks the contestant’s audience friend a question, and then gives his fakey “That’s nice” answer. (x2 if it’s to the phone a friend)
- Regis asks “final” for any question under $1000 (x2 if person gets it wrong anyway)
Section Two: Non-Regis things
- If one of the announced contestants is from your home town.
- The audience is wrong on the poll the audience lifeline.
- Contestant complains that the 50-50 didn’t help them.
- The Phone a friend has absolutely no idea at all (x2 if they don’t even hazard a guess).
- If contestant uses two lifelines on one question (x2 if they use all three on a single question)
- Contestant walks away from game with less than $32,000.
- If one player hogs over half the episode by themselves. (x2 if they mention it on the air)
Section Three: “Big Things”
- Contestant’s final prize money is zero (x2)
- Your phone happens to ring at the same moment they’re calling the phone a friend (x3)
- You personally know one of the contestants (x4)
- Contestant wins $1 million! (x5)
That’s about it for the game – as I said, I didn’t do this easily, I could have very well come up with a bunch more things that happen all the time, but I wanted some things in here that happen a lot, but don’t happen every 5 minutes. A few notes – #3 in section 1 was the first one I ever came up with – I realize it’s kinda lame, but quite frankly, that makes me laugh for some reason.
Also, whenever one of these things happen, I yell “Veneer” when taking a drink. Why? If anyone watches Frasier, they had an episode this past season where Frasier, Niles, & Martin were all watching the Antiques Roadshow, and they had a drinking game for that – they had picked the word Veneer to drink to whenever someone said it. My wife and I thought that was insanely funny, so we just started saying Veneer for the Millionaire Drinking Game.
I hope this at least brought a smile to your face – then it was worth it. If you have any feedback or suggestions, drop me a line. (Thought about inserting some bad lifeline joke there, but naaah). Here’s some Millionaire links, as well as some drinking game links:
- Official Millionaire Site on ABC.com
- Buy the Millionaire Board Game
- Buy the Millionaire Book
- Yahoo’s List of Drinking Game Links