Redemption II
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Redemption II
This Story: Season 5 Episode 1 (production code 201)
TNG Overall: Episode 101
Trek Overall: Story 199b, Episode 203
Airdate: 23 Sep 1991
Written by Ronald D. Moore
Directed by David Carson
- Sela’s lineage as daughter of Tasha Yar heavily leans on the events of “Yesterday’s Enterprise” in the alternate timeline.
- The concept of Sela being a daughter of Tasha Yar was an idea from Denise Crosby herself who enjoyed her time on Yesterday’s Enterprise and wanted to return.
- The only episode that Sela appears in where she’s referred to by name.
- Part II was directed by David Carson. He did not direct Part I.
- The Klingon bird of prey flying towards the sun is reused footage from Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home.
- This episode is the last time the Duras sisters appear in Star Trek:TNG, but do make two further appearances in the franchise as a whole after this.
- The last appearance (in TNG) as Kurn for Tony Todd.
- Toral (the son of Duras) is next seen in the Deep Space Nine episode “The Sword of Kahless“, when he’s played by someone else.
- Officially this episode is titled “Redemption II” vs the usual thing they’d do “Redemption Part II”. It feels weird without the “Part” in there.
[ Wikipedia | Memory Alpha | IMDB | Amazon US DVD | Amazon US Blu-Ray ]#StarTrekMarathon #StarTrek TNG Ep 101 - Redemption Pt 2 - 23 Sep 1991 1/2 The civil war rages and eventually the Duras are defeated, but not easily. We get a B-plot about Data captaining a ship on his own and disobeying orders which should have been its own ep. Sela's backstory requires more than
— Joe Siegler ( December 25, 2024 at 4:32 PM
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#StarTrekMarathon #StarTrek TNG Ep 101 - Redemption Pt 2 - 23 Sep 1991 2/2 a few words for people who don't know the ep it was based off of, but I love a good alt reality story for sure. Loved seeing Worf serve with the Klingons and seeing them all drinking together. Good resolution to Part 1, IMO.
— Joe Siegler ( December 25, 2024 at 4:32 PM
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