My cel phone bill shocker

Yesterday I got my cel phone bill. My carrier is Cingular. I got my cel phone back when Southwestern Bell had cel carriage here in the DFW area, and then they got bought out by Cingular, so I’ve been there since. Anyway, the bill came in a new smaller envelope. When I opened it, it […]

I miss the Hooters

Who are the Hooters? The Hooters are a band from Philadelphia who were popular around there, with limited appeal beyond Philadelphia (that I was aware of, anyway) in the mid/late 80’s. They’re called that because of an instrument that they play called a “Melodica”, whose nickname is the Hooter. Normally I like stuff like Black […]

Bush is stupid

Not Dubya (not that he’s an MIT grad anyway), but I’m talking about his twit brother Jeb Bush. Not only did his state cause a complete fiasco in the last presidential election, but now he goes and DOES SOMETHING AS STUPID AS THIS. What’s the message here? Act like a total jackass and you’ll get […]

The future

As I sit here at my desk, I realize I’ve forgotten to turn on my speakers, and forgot to run this program. I wish I could have an office and house like Marty McFly had in Back to the Future II. When you walk in the door, everything happens automatically. This turns on, that starts […]