Political correctness runs amok again
In another move by perpetually annoying group of twonks named PETA, they.. aw hell, just read the news story below. In honor of these morons, I’ll be sure and have a steak tonight.
I’ve made a few changes on the blog this evening. First off I noticed that the Weatherpixie site is back up – I thought it was gone, so I removed it. Turns out it’s still there, so I restored the weatherpixie code. I also changed my “pixie” as I found one that has a cat […]
I was riding the shuttle bus to the American Airlines Center to attend a Dallas Stars game. As I was riding the bus, I glanced over at the part of hte bus wher they have free bus schedules for you. Then I noticed something strange about these particular schedules. It didn’t appear that this particular […]
w00t! Happy day. I got my pre-ordered individual game Texas Rangers tickets handed to me today. These aren’t my season tickets, but ones I bought aside from my season ticket plan. I now have something to put on my desk and stare at and envision the baseball field alive with play now. :) OK, that’s […]
Well, on Monday afternoon, my wife and I bought a new truck. We got a 2004 Dodge Dakota Quad Cab Sport Model. It’s my fifth car I’ve ever owned, and my first truck. As I write this, I’ve had it less than 24 hours, and I have to say, it’s very cool, and has tons […]
Everyone else is talking about this, I might as well weigh in on the subject, too. OK, as I’m sure everyone noticed on Sunday evening, Janet Jackson had her right breast exposed on national television. It was quite frankly, the only thing worthwhile about the entire halftime show. Halftime shows are generally crap, although the […]
I’m in the parking lot of Sam’s Club today loading the trunk of my car with some stuff I had bought. I’m walking my shopping cart over to the metal whatever you call it that sits in a spot to collect carts. I’m reading the sign which says “Help keep your costs low by putting […]
Getting in the Game: Inside Baseball’s Winter Meetings by Josh Lewin Josh Lewin is the regular play-by-play broadcaster for the Texas Rangers. This past fall, he put out a book called “Getting in the Game: Inside Baseball’s Winter Meetings”. This is the story of both the outside and inside of some folks trying to break […]
I normally don’t post about things like this, but I feel that I should in this case. I’d talked about wanting to see Mel Gibson’s Christ Movie “The Passion” (or whatever the final name actually is, I’ve heard about three different titles for it). I got this email from my wife this morning, who had […]