High Priced Shopping Carts

I’m in the parking lot of Sam’s Club today loading the trunk of my car with some stuff I had bought. I’m walking my shopping cart over to the metal whatever you call it that sits in a spot to collect carts. I’m reading the sign which says “Help keep your costs low by putting […]

Getting in the Game Book Review

  • byJoe Siegler
  • Posted on

Getting in the Game: Inside Baseball’s Winter Meetings by Josh Lewin Josh Lewin is the regular play-by-play broadcaster for the Texas Rangers. This past fall, he put out a book called “Getting in the Game: Inside Baseball’s Winter Meetings”. This is the story of both the outside and inside of some folks trying to break […]

The Passion of the Christ

  • byJoe Siegler
  • Posted on

I normally don’t post about things like this, but I feel that I should in this case. I’d talked about wanting to see Mel Gibson’s Christ Movie “The Passion” (or whatever the final name actually is, I’ve heard about three different titles for it). I got this email from my wife this morning, who had […]