Stupid printer
For several years now, I’ve had a HP LaserJet 6L printer. It’s not the fastest printer around, and it’s only black & white, but it’s more than served my needs in the time I’ve had it. Yesterday I had a MAJOR paper jam in the thing. Paper jams I’ve had in the past were easy […]
Thank Dio for God
Last night I attended a concert in Dallas. It was what I affectionally called “The Summer Geezer Rock Tour”. The reason is that the three bands playing were Motorhead, Dio, & Iron Maiden. All three of these bands had some pretty big success in the 80’s, and have had varying degrees since then. The concert […]
Moon Spam
I think this spam I’ve gotten a few of over the last few weeks is one of the most “out there” (har har) spams I’ve gotten. Once I finish saving up for the piece of the Brooklyn Bridge, I’ll get right on this.
Pat Benatar Concert
Well, last night was the Pat Benatar concert in Ft. Worth. Going there, I was stressed out for two reasons. One, I didn’t know where exactly I was going, since I’d never actually been to Billy Bob’s before. Two, we were running late, and since we were on the backstage list to meet Pat, I […]
We have a houseguest
One of my wife’s bosses at work was going out of town for some training, and he has a 5 month old kitten. He didn’t know what he was oging to do with the cat, so we offered to keep him here. As I write this, he’s been here for about four hours, and he’s […]
RIP Futurama
One of the more annoying TV decisions in awhile comes to a head this Sunday when Fox airs the final new episode of Futurama. This show started off weak for me, but it got wickedly funny, and while it was frequently bizarre, it was almost always entertaining. It’s probably more funny than the Simpsons is […]