This Story: Season 4 Episode 6 (production code 180)
TNG Overall: Episode 80
Trek Overall: Story 179, Episode 182
Airdate: 29 Oct 1990
Written by Joe Menosky
Directed by Robert Scheerer
- The only appearance (and ever mention) of Tasha Yar’s sister, Ishara – played by Beth Touissant.
- The events of the Season 1 episode “Skin of Evil” are referenced here for obvious reasons.
- In the Captain’s log, a planet was named – “Camus II”. That is the same name as the planet from the final episode of TOS, “Turnabout Intruder“. That was intentional, as this was the 80th Episode of TNG, besting by one the number of episodes of the TOS series (or tying it if you count “The Cage“).
- Additionally, this episode states that the last ship to visit this planet (Turkana IV) was the USS Potemkin. A ship with that name was also mentioned in Turnabout Intruder.
- Wesley Crusher does not appear in this episode.
[ Wikipedia | Memory Alpha | IMDB | Amazon US DVD | Amazon US Blu-Ray ]#StarTrekMarathon #StarTrek TNG Ep 80 - Legacy - 29 Oct 1990 1/2 "The one with Tasha's sister". That's the way I've always had this one filed in my mind. Said sister was never mentioned before - or after. Data ends up snogging (or more) both sisters after this ep. It's "ok", not one of my favs. It
— Joe Siegler (@joesiegler.blog) December 4, 2024 at 4:14 PM
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#StarTrekMarathon #StarTrek TNG Ep 80 - Legacy - 29 Oct 1990 2/2 was intended to be an allegory on gang warfare. The opening poker game scene was fun. The only parts of this I really liked was talking about Tasha. The gang stuff I didn't care about. Ishara's betrayal I didn't see coming.
— Joe Siegler (@joesiegler.blog) December 4, 2024 at 4:14 PM
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