Remember Me
Remember Me
This Story: Season 4 Episode 5 (production code 179)
TNG Overall: Episode 79
Trek Overall: Story 178, Episode 181
Airdate: 22 Oct 1990
Written by Lee Sheldon
Directed by Cliff Bole
- Features the return of “The Traveller” from his first appearance in S1’s “Where No Man Has Gone Before“. He would make one more appearance – in the Season 7 episode “Journey’s End“.
- Gates McFadden did all her own stunts.
- This began life as a B-plot to the episode “Family“, but it was decided to break this out into its own episode. Glad they did.
- The same starbase model that’s been used since the original movie in some capacity gets re-used again here. To that, the footage at the starbase was just reused footage from the episode “11001001“.
- A new transporter room debuted in this episode. I saw a note that it was used for the rest of this series, as well as being in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, as well as the transporter room in Star Trek Voyager. I’m unclear if it’s the same physical set used in all those, or just the layout.
- The Vulcan Doctor Selar is mentioned in this episode. It’s the second time the character was mentioned, but not seen after her lone appearance in “The Schizoid Man“.
[ Wikipedia | Memory Alpha | IMDB | Amazon US DVD | Amazon US Blu-Ray ]#StarTrekMarathon #StarTrek TNG Ep 79 - Remember Me - 22 Oct 1990 1/2 LOVED this - Dr Crusher is trapped inside an experiment but doesn't know that. From her perspective everyone she knows is systematically erased from existence until it's just her & Picard (and then just her) on the Enterprise.
— Joe Siegler ( December 3, 2024 at 1:36 PM
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#StarTrekMarathon #StarTrek TNG Ep 79 - Remember Me - 22 Oct 1990 2/2 Has the Traveler from Season 1. The concept that the entire universe was at one point no larger than the Enterprise was amusing. Loved this one because the concept was cool & very unique - good job by Gates especially when alone.
— Joe Siegler ( December 3, 2024 at 1:36 PM
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