Happy Trails, Duke Nukem!
Duke Nukem as a character as been part of my personal and professional life for some time. Given today is December 31, 2015, I thought I’d take a moment and look back at the games that meant something to me over the years. There’s been quite a few Duke games, and it’s been now almost […]
A thought on new Star Wars
So there’s a new Star Wars trailer that came out last night. I’ve included it at the bottom of the post on the million to one chance you’re reading this post without having seen it. Ha. The trailer and the subsequent placing of tickets for sale broke a whole lot of online ticketing services. I […]
My Meaningful Music
A friend of mine recently posted a list of his favourite albums. I read it, and thought “I can do that”, and then realized that quickly the list would get out of hand, because I have a LOT of music, and I’d list way too much stuff. So, I decided to do a list too, […]
Stargunner Music
Back in 1996, a few things happened in my life. I got married, and my former company released a few games that were fairly notable. The more notable game was “Duke Nukem 3D“, a landmark in PC gaming history. The other game that didn’t get as much attention was Stargunner. Stargunner was notable for it […]
Duke Nukem Swag
Some years ago when “my” version of 3D Realms was still going, there was a really active community of Duke Nukem fans. There was a thread on the 3D Realms forums asking people to post their collections of stuff. Initially I didn’t want to participate, because given my job there, I was likely to have […]
Suspended from Twitter
UPDATE 2 JUN 23: I got reinstated. Need to write about that, but in short, it took them 15 days to respond to my original appeal request. Sigh. UPDATE JUN 22: It’s now two weeks later. Nothing’s changed since I wrote this on Jun 15th. A week ago (Jun 8, 2015) I was suspended from […]
Happy 20th, Rise of the Triad!
I moved from Pennsylvania to Texas in December of 1992. I took a job with 3D Realms (then just called Apogee Software). I left a company of 70,000 to come work for a videogame company in Garland of around 20 or so (most of that was order takers at the time). I stayed there from […]
“Game Over” Atari 2600/E.T. Documentary
I just got done watching the documentary from Microsoft called “Game Over”, which is the story of the Atari 2600 and the E.T. cartridge being buried in a landfill in New Mexico. Wanted to write about it a bit, because several parts were pretty powerful for me.
ROTT Video Capture #2
A few months ago, I posted a video showing some video capture sessions from a game I was involved in the creation of, “Rise of the Triad”. The response to that was popular, and then I never delivered any more of them. Well, tonight I have some more to watch. :)
A few thoughts on Google Inbox
I’ve spent some time with Google’s new Gmail client, Inbox. I’ve used both the desktop variant, and the iOS version. I have a few things I wanted to say about it. Before I do that, watch this video. It is the video that you are shown once you are able to log into the program. […]