The worst videogame ever
I’ve been playing video games for a LONG LONG time. I’ve played a lot of bad ones in my time. I’ve played a lot of good ones. The one I want to talk about most definitely falls in the BAD category. While I’ve not personally played the game, I ran across this review of Big […]
Lost Doctor Who Episode Found!
In an event most Doctor Who fans figured probably wouldn’t be happening any time soon, today the news comes that a lost Doctor Who episode has been recovered and returned to the BBC. This is Episode 2 of The Daleks’ Master Plan, the 1965 William Hartnell serial. Any episode of Doctor Who that is recovered […]
2003 CD’s
As 2003 drew to a close, I decided that since I have this blog now, I was going to do a retrospective of some of the CD’s I bought in 2003. I have a listing online of all the CD’s I own here. I’m going to be moving that into my blog once I find […]
D’oh Nut
The people the fell for this are just stupid.
Good Coffee – NOT Starbucks
I like coffee. Ever since the one year I spent in College, I kind of got hooked on the stuff. I was going to Temple University, and when I would get off the Subway in North Philly, I’d get what I called “A Cup of Mud” from this Roach Coach that was right outside the […]
Aren’t they adorable?
I can’t help it – I think my cats are damn cute – and when I take pictures like this of them, I am suckered in even more. :)
If you work in customer support, I’ve got a couple of links you need to check out – you’ll love them. I guarantee it. :) Steve’s Think Tank Blog Entry – A Classic! I got a major laugh out of these. The first one is new to me today. The second one I’ve known […]