Blog Archives
The Mac Mini Looks cool
Long ago in a galaxy far far away, I was an Apple user. What I consider to be a “real” Apple user. I owned an Apple ][+, then an Apple //e, and finally a IIgs. To me, when Apple invented the Mac, the soul of the company died. However, since the return of Steve Jobs […]
TechTV is officially dead
In a followup to my G4/TechTV rant from a week or two ago, I read today where TechTV can now officially be labeled dead. It’s been unoficially dead for months now, as G4/Comcast bought it out, and the castrated it to the point where it might as well have not been alive at all. However, […]
Anti Spyware Software
I spend a lot of time on the Internet, both personally and professionally. I say I’m on the net easily 10 hours a day every day (if not more). In all that time, I run into a lot of things. One of the things that has become more and more of an issue in the […]
More on G4 / TechTV
Well, there’s only two shows left on G4/TechTV from the old TechTV days. Screen Savers and Xplay. Everything has has been cancelled, and everyone else fired/let go save for a few random folks, plus Adam & Morgan. And Screen Savers is a sham, it’s got nowhere near the intelligence and knowledge that it used to […]
Heart of TARDIS (Doctor Who Series) by Dave Stone Tonight I was looking through my nightstand in my bedroom for something, and realized what a horrifically large number of books I have on the “to read” pile. It’s taken up the entire lower drawer of my nightstand, so many that nothing else can fit in […]
The death of TechTV
A couple of years ago, I loved the TechTV channel. It was a good channel for people who knew computers, and weren’t mental zeroes when it comes to operating theirs. They had a few fluff pieces, but overall, it was a good channel. It was founded by Paul Allen, one of the founders of Microsoft. […]
Comments Revised
On Christmas, I wrote this.. Unfortunately, due to the excessive amount of comment spam I’ve been getting (I got about 300 in a two hour period over Christmas day), I’ve had to temporarily turn off comments. I really didn’t want to do that, but I’m really sick and tired of deleting all the garbage spam. […]
The latest in crappy advertising
Well, I thought I had seen it all, but as I approach 40, I should know better than that. In my usual inundation of AOL CD’s that I’ve been saving up to send to these people, I received the following one. As if it’s not bad enough we get a boatload of these CD’s from […]
Stupid Computer Programs
I’ve been around Microsoft Windows for a long time. Long enough to remember (not that it’s been THAT long, really) the days when there was no uninstall routines in Windows. I don’t remember when it happened (Win98, perhaps), Windows put in a centralized uninstall area. That’s generally been a good idea, I think. However, what […]
TiVo goes to hell
I got my first TiVo around May of 2000. I’ve been a TiVo fanatic for a long time. I’ve gotten several friends and family members to buy TiVos due to my love of it. In fact, I’ve had three different TiVos over the years, with a fourth (the High Definition DirecTV model) due shortly. However, […]