Blog Archives
Stupid Computer Programs
I’ve been around Microsoft Windows for a long time. Long enough to remember (not that it’s been THAT long, really) the days when there was no uninstall routines in Windows. I don’t remember when it happened (Win98, perhaps), Windows put in a centralized uninstall area. That’s generally been a good idea, I think. However, what […]
TiVo goes to hell
I got my first TiVo around May of 2000. I’ve been a TiVo fanatic for a long time. I’ve gotten several friends and family members to buy TiVos due to my love of it. In fact, I’ve had three different TiVos over the years, with a fourth (the High Definition DirecTV model) due shortly. However, […]
It was glorious!
What a glorious Monday night this was! Was 3.5 hours of pure football heaven watching America’s Team get their ass handed to them. I can’t imagine a better way to spend my time. Here is a box score if you want to relive the glory.
Best Buy is strange
I’ve personally never believed in the axiom “The Customer is always right” (it’s almost always the other way around). However, Best Buy is taking it to new levels. Check out this article which talks about how Best Buy is trying to cut out 20% of their customer base, since BB considers them “bad for business”. […]
Caller ID spoofing
It would seem to me that crap like this should be stopped before it can get started. I mean, why the smeg am I paying $7 a month to my phone company for Caller ID when people can do shit like this?
TiVo heads down a bad path
I’ve been a TiVo fan and user for awhile now – I got my first TiVo back in May of 2000. I’ve been expounding the benefits of this product to everyone that I can think of for a long time. However, today I read something that has made me wonder how much longer TiVo as […]
Congrats Red Sox
Congragulations to the Red Sox who won the World Series tonight. What’s most amazing to me is not the fact that it’s been 86 years since they last won. It’s the fact that they were one inning away from being swept out of the playoffs by the Evil Empire in the ALCS. They came back […]
Windows XP & Default Program Settings
First off, please don’t answer with “Have her not use Outlook Express”. That’s not an option. My question is this. At home I use Windows XP Home, and for quite awhile both my wife and I used Outlook Express. Tonight, I switched over to using Pegasus Mail for my home mail. I’m already using it […]
Mobil & Texaco Gas Stations
A couple of years ago I noticed that Shell Oil merged (or bought out, I forget which) Texaco. Over time, all the Texaco gas stations in this area became Shell stations. The Texaco gas card I had was replaced by a Shell card I was sent. Then Mobil & Exxon merged, and became ExxonMobil Oil. […]
Steelers / Cowboys game
The Steelers game was awesome. My wife and I had tickets to the Steelers game in Texas Stadium today. Was a fabulous come from behind win. However, one cool thing was that when we got home, both sets of parents told us we were on TV, and a friend of mine said myself and my […]