Blog Archives
Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
This is not a review of the movie. It’s a few remarks about what happened when I went to see the movie – you can read this if you haven’t seen the movie, I’m not talking about the events in the movie. Well, I went to see the movie with the staff from my company. […]
Lynn’s clothing adventure
You know, since Samantha was born, I’ve had a chance to observe Lynn’s maternal behaviour. She’s been sleeping in the baby’s room – partially out of the fact that we don’t want to disturb her C section incision, and partially so she can be closer to the baby. Lynn sits in a rocking chair and […]
Movies I plan to see
I have on my Palm a list of every movie I’ve seen in the theatres since 1997. When I looked at that entry recently, I realized the last movie I’d seen in the theatres was the Incredibles last November – saw it twice there. So I decided to look forward and see what I was […]
It’s TC, everybody!
It’s your pal, it’s your compadre, it’s TC everybody! Check out The Daily* Dementia.
Figures. It just figures
I just read that the Ultimate Electronics store is pulling out of the D/FW area. These guys installed my home theatre system, and I couldn’t have been happier with their service. This is a major annoyance to me. This past Christmas I had my eyes on a really good DLP HDTV system, but ended up […]
Will you spend an hour with me?
This will be something different in my blog, as I don’t think I’ve written about this subject matter before. Generally I write about TV, music, things that are irritating me, but today, I wanted to write a little about something that’s a little more serious; I’m writing about religion. I don’t know who will be […]
TiVo & Nielsen
I’ve been a TiVo owner for ages. I’ve loved my TiVo for ages. I still love it even though it’s been sucked up and probably left out to dry by DirecTV. But that’s a gripe for another session. I read a pretty interesting article this afternoon talking about how TiVo (the company) can save itself. […]
Apple & TiVo, sitting in a tree, M-E-R-G-I-N-G
I’ve been a TiVo user for about 5 years now. I’ve loved my TiVo for a really long time. Got a lot of my family and a bunch of my friends on board. It’s a wonderful gadget. Problem is TiVo the company hasn’t been doing well. Basically since they failed to align themselves with a […]
How close are you to work?
Saw something on another blog I read, and it’s a query as to how far away you are from work. Using the really badass new mapping system from Google, I live 7.6 miles from where I work (although if I reverse the directions, it gives me a completely different route that’s 8.7 miles). In November […]
Best Food in Dallas
This came out a few weeks ago, but I just noticed it, so I wanted to say something about it. AOL’s Cityguide has come out with their 2005 Best Restaurants list in various food categories. The one I’m most familiar with is Tex-Mex, as most of the bulk on my body comes from eating that. […]