Blog Archives
Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game Book Review
Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game by Michael Lewis I finished this book in December of 2003. I’ve had it on my pile of books to read since the start of the 2003 season. I take too long to read books – probably because my pile to read is massive! :) Anyway… This […]
This Foxtrot is me
It’s me alright – my wife can tell you. Just this past Sunday I used almost half a bottle of Tabasco sauce in one omlette. :)
Helping a friend
Ever do something that makes you wonder why you offered to do it right after offering to do it? Last night, one of my wife’s coworkers called her at home and said that his car was non operational, and wanted to know if he could get a ride into work in the morning. Lynn declined, […]
Anyone who knows me knows that I’m a big baseball fan. I also (almost blindly) support my baseball team. I was as shocked as most people when Arod came here to Texas a few years ago. However, with the current bruhaha (sp?) regarding Arod being traded to the Red Sox…
Babylon 5 returns?
One of my favorite Sci-Fi TV shows has been Babylon 5. For the longest time, several friends of mine in my industry tried to get me to watch it. They knew I was a big TV Sci-Fi fan (Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, Dr. Who, Blake’s 7…). They told me I should watch Babylon 5 – […]
My cats are pillows!
At least they think they are. My wife and I were watching some TV on Sunday night, and she had Zathras in her lap. Well, Kira decides to come up as well, and couldn’t find a good enough spot to sit in, so she decided to use Zathras as the spot to sit on.
The Holiday Season
The holidays are here. I normally don’t get too jazzed up for the holiday season. I love spending time with my wife and the holidays are good for us as a couple in that aspect. However, traditionally, I’m not what you would consider a holiday person. I’m not a Scrooge either. First off… I simply […]
New Doctor Who
A month ago or so, it was announced that Doctor Who, one of my all time favorite TV series was coming back. The show started on November 23, 1963 and ran till December 6, 1989. There was one attempt to revive it in 1996 and that failed, and there’s been a few BBCi dramas online […]
My cat Zathras
Was looking through some pictures today, and ran across this one. This is a picture of two other pictures of my boy cat Zathras. The image on the left was the day we met him, when he was about 6 or 7 weeks old or something of that nature. The picture on the right is […]
Looney Tunes Cartoons on DVD
This past week, Warner Bros finally started releasing Looney Tunes cartoons on DVD. That’s something I know has been a popular request for many years now. The collection that is out now has something like 48 toons on it. The 4 DVD set is broken up into four categories. “Bugs Bunny”, “The Best of Daffy […]