Mozilla Firefox Extensions & v1.5
I’ve been a user of the Firefox web browser for some time now. There’s been a lot written in the press about how Firefox is safer over IE, and I believe that to only marginally be true. Firefox is considered safer because it’s got a smaller market value, and there’s fewer attacks on it vs. […]
Ender’s Game
Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card Am I the only person who has never read this book? I had a few people at work chastise me for not having read it, one of them went to his office and brought me a copy. Now I need to find the time to read it. :)
Read this and weep. It’s scary how nonsensical the MPAA is. These people need to go away. I’m not advocating anarchy and no control, but if you read through all of what I link to above, it’s scary. Spend some time and read this. It made me so mad, I can’t say anything about it, […]
How to wash a baseball cap
Anyone who knows me knows I love to wear baseball caps. Always have. Part of the problem is that I live in Texas, and if I wear one outside in the summer for more than a few times, they tend to get nasty. The immediate response is “get another one”. That’s fine, except.. To me […]
I’m really lucky
I’m really lucky to have the wife I have. I’ve been married 9 years now (our anniversary was on Wednesday). I’ve known her for 18 years total. Even when I act like a complete ass, she still finds it in her to love me, so I must have done something right somewhere along the line. […]
The future of television, perhaps?
This week, Apple introduced a new iPod that will play video. That’s something that has been talked about for ages. Personally I didn’t see the big demand for that. Since it’s Apple/iTunes related, the materials on there would likely be all DRM protected things. Plus, as several folks have said, content drives these kind of […]
I Wanna Learn a Love Song
Since I’ve become a father, I’ve spent a lot of time lost in my own memories of my childhood. Most of it is good, and I attribute that to the care and guidance I received from my mother. What I remember that isn’t good is mostly attributable to the fact that I didn’t have a […]
Reality TV Stinks
…And it appears the rest of the country is finally getting it I’ve abhored the entire genre since day 1. Never saw the point. Check out this article, it appears that more people think there’s too mcuh of it. Granted, ANY is too much, but hey… Will it stop? Probably not. We’ll probably get Survivor […]
7 more things about myself
Well, my wife did do the list of 7 blog, but she didn’t do it exactly the same. She did some of the questions the same, but three she didn’t answer and replaced with her own ideas. I liked the ones she added, so I decided to do a second list. The first three are […]
New Blog look is online
Last Thursday a new version of this blog software was released. I won’t bore you with the details of what’s new, as most of it isn’t of any interest to you, the reader. What is important is that I’ve decided to take this time to revamp the look of my blog. The backend code that […]