Blog Archives
Congratulations Marlins!
Congratulations go out to the Marlins for winning the World Series – for a couple of reasons. One, behind some great play, and an exciting team, but at least for me, more importantly.. The Yankees lost! Gotta love that. THE YANKEES LOST!
The Yankees SUCK!
I hope my mom doesn’t see this, but if she does, I know you didn’t raise me this way, but I get this way about my sports.. FUCK THE YANKEES. Period. That’s all I have to say about them. Fish in Four! Let’s go!
Dallas Stars New Uniforms
Dallas Stars New Uniforms I see Jim Lites, after supervising the destruction of the Texas Rangers wonderful and very striking red uniforms, has decided to introduce a rather garish new alternate uniform for the Dallas Stars, a new uniform that is shown here and was used for the first time tonight in a 4-2 win […]
Spam, POPFile, & SpamKiller
I’ve decided to stop with the spam count on the left side of the page I was keeping for a couple of reasons. It was taking too much time to put it all together – I was spending far more time on that then it deserved. I don’t use the same Spam software anymore. The […]
Looking for some beer
Kind of an odd question. I know some folks from the Dallas area read this blog. I was looking for a place that sells a particular brand of beer. That brand is Iron City Light Beer. It’s a local beer brewed in Pittsburgh. My wife is from there, and when we first got married, we […]
A cool blog logo
Was reading some blogs this morning, and ran across this one. I really liked the “Hello” graphic in the upper left hand corner. :)
The cat box
I love cats. I’ve been living with a cat now for 23 years. I have two now, two Tonkinese cats named Kira & Zathras. But if there’s one thing I hate about having cats is changing the friggin cat box. I suppose it could be worse, having to clean up after a dog, but I […]
The new $20 bill
Tomorrow is the date that the Fed will start issuing the newest print of the $20 bill. I’ve always been one that’s into money – for some reason I’ve always gotten excited when a new series of bill came out, even though the date and perhaps the Secretary signatures were the only things changed. So […]
Red Sox / A’s – NLCS Game 5
For the 2003 season, I saw 33 games in person. I watched untold (probably over 100) other games on TV, some on radio, and even closed down a stadium (I was in Philly for the closing of Veterans Stadium). However, I don’t think I saw a game quite as good as I saw tonight on […]
Saturday Night Live
I’m just a blog writing fool tonight. :) I watched the season premiere of Saturday Night Live this past Saturday. It’s something like Season 28 for the show, I think. For the last few years I think the show has been headed towards a down period again. The show has always been cyclical – we […]