7 more things about myself
Well, my wife did do the list of 7 blog, but she didn’t do it exactly the same. She did some of the questions the same, but three she didn’t answer and replaced with her own ideas. I liked the ones she added, so I decided to do a second list. The first three are […]
New Blog look is online
Last Thursday a new version of this blog software was released. I won’t bore you with the details of what’s new, as most of it isn’t of any interest to you, the reader. What is important is that I’ve decided to take this time to revamp the look of my blog. The backend code that […]
2005 NFL Sunday Ticket Spreadsheet Schedule
Since I live in Dallas, and have the hell of living in Cowboy land, one majorly huge lifeline for me is the NFL Sunday Ticket package on DirecTV. It allows me to watch pretty much whatever game I want, so I get to see all the Eagles games, and Steeler games (my wife’s from Pittsburgh) […]
Uh-oh. The FCC & porn
Uh-oh. This can’t be good. Not that I’m advocating sexual stuff where it shouldn’t be, but this move just strikes me as something that could be really bad. Penny Nance, who describes herself as a religious conservative and has been a vocal opponent of racy images on television, has been hired by the Federal Communications […]